A dedicated process for communicating information is one of the key aspects behind sales rep retention. Without a fundamental process in place, you're likely to see lower profits and an elevated employee turnover rate.
While that situation is obviously not ideal, it can be hard to find innovative sales training techniques that truly drive results. If you've been struggling to motivate your employees, they could need CPR!
What Is CPR?
CPR is particularly beneficial for the BevAlc sector because it provides a consistent, predictable, repeatable sales process to drive results. When you can't pinpoint exactly what's causing inconsistent sales, regular team meetings can solve the problem. These meetings should go over the company's current goals and how each team member is working to achieve those goals. Studies have proven that regular sales assessments increase employee retention by up to 82%.
Once you have a good strategy in place, don't forget to incentivize! Surveys show that bonuses and other corporate incentives encouraged 66% of employees to stay with their current company.
Does Your Sales Organization Need the CPR Process?
A consistent, predictable, repeatable process is best suited for companies with an empathy-based sales approach. Personalized pitches allow salespeople to truly connect with customers by identifying their needs, which, in turn, leads to strong relationships and inspires repeat business.
What's the Best Way to Put New Processes in Place?
A blended learning approach is a good method for introducing even the most complicated processes to your sales team! With blended learning, sales teams can start developing a personalized approach with online courses.
Online coaching allows your team to access learning materials with either a computer or smartphone on their own schedules. This sets them up for success when their skills are reviewed at in-person coaching sessions. It also boosts profits! One study showed that for every online module taken, that individual associate increased their sales by 1.8%.
Getting Consistent, Predictable, Repeatable Results Is Easy
The world of BevAlc sales is constantly evolving with innovative products and the changing needs of customers. Your sales team can be ready for any challenge as long as they have a consistent, predictable, and repeatable sales strategy! Even if your team doesn't have a dedicated process in place, blended learning makes the transition easy. To learn all the benefits of CPR, download our free ebook today.