How Good Is Your Team at Selling?

Are you gearing up your sales team with skills assessments before, during, or after the sales process? The answer should be yes to all of it. And here's Tom Fox to tell you why:


"The first step in the Fox Selling System is the skills quotient assessment. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to really understand a very important question. And that is... How good is your team at selling?

We go through 12 competencies that every salesperson needs to be good at. With this system, you can on an ongoing basis have wonderful coaching conversations against all of those because of the way the system works, the sales representative does a self-assessment where they get a chance to indicate where they think their development is at in conjunction with the manager who also fills it out. It's a wonderful conversation because it can start to identify gaps where the manager may feel different than the sales rep.

Ultimately this is going to benchmark by a function and a baseline that every sales rep, every manager, and even key account managers needs to be at in terms of that competency to be able to conduct that job. The wonderful thing about assessments is also the idea that they can help us identify talent and job readiness for those who are ready to be promoted. 

So it sets a wonderful precedent against where the team is at and where they need to work for future development."

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