The Secret to Making Your Sales Team Feel Valued

The Secret to Making Your Sales Team Feel Valued

2021, like the year before, was one for the history books. The effects of the pandemic continue, from public health crises to the Great Resignation. Also called The Big Quit, it represents how people are rethinking their willingness to put up with feeling overwhelmed, unprepared, and underappreciated in their jobs. People everywhere seek a way to live a more balanced, fulfilled life.

So, where does that leave businesses? Walk into any grocery store, order your favorite products, or book a flight to see evidence of the impacts. It isn't just the latest strain of Covid that is causing delays. It is also the mass exodus of workers, leaving businesses all along the supply chain scrambling to cover the openings so that they can serve customers and keep their doors open.

The good news is that there is a way to counteract the risk that The Big Quit will impact your teams. Employee learning and development has a significant, quantifiable impact on productivity, engagement, and more. The most successful companies have a culture where the employees feel valued and motivated while providing open roads for feedback and employee satisfaction. Keep reading to learn how you can ensure that your sales team feels recognized and empowered to reach the highest levels of achievement.  

The New Workforce 

Long gone are the days when people work at one company until they retire. The old regime enforced an 8-5, five days per week minimum schedule in the office. You did what you were told when told to do it. A two-week vacation was a luxury that only came to those with a long tenure.

Today, millennials are helping to ensure those harsh working conditions are gone for good by refusing to accept them. They want self-actualization in their personal and professional lives and an engaging and motivating work environment to achieve it. This confident, hopeful generation of workers knows that there is a better way, and they will risk higher salaries to find what gives them purpose. In short, if you won't appreciate their time and effort, they'll take them elsewhere.

How do you, as a BevAlc sales leader, achieve your goals while building a team that feels engaged, supported, and empowered? The answer is much simpler than you might think. Implementing a culture of continuous learning that offers a blended learning platform is the first step to attracting high-potential candidates. With the right coaching and training, you can unlock that potential to build a team of high-performers.  

Choose a Robust Employee Learning and Development Program 

There are many options for employee learning and development on the market now. After all, it is an investment, and there is a lot more than the cost of the platform at stake. Your learning platform allows you to assess skills and identify areas where the new hire needs shoring up. It provides consistent, comprehensive onboarding so that every new hire is well informed and prepared to be productive more quickly.

Your training program not only gives your team new skills but reinforces that learning so that it can be retained and put into practice. Giving your sales reps a blended learning environment with real-world examples relevant to their industry accommodates learning when and how they are most receptive. It encourages engagement that spills over into other areas of their job. Your employee learning and development program is the foundation of a continuous learning culture.

So, what qualities indicate a superior training platform? Look for the following characteristics: 

  1. Industry-specific - 41% of employees consider job-specific training to be very important. It offers real-world scenarios like those your BevAlc sales reps can experience daily and gives them tools and techniques to recognize opportunities and navigate issues.
  2. Self-paced and self-driven - Enforcing a specific pace that doesn't align with the person's learning style can cause disinterest and disillusionment, ultimately rendering the training less useful. When a student absorbs information quickly, they need to receive it that way. When the subject is complex or new, the learner should be able to stop it, replay it, and refer back to it as needed to retain it.
  3. A combination of online and remote live classes - Though 53% of businesses choose online delivery for their industry-specific training, offering remote live classes reinforces learning with question and answer sessions and peer-to-peer interaction.
  4. Tools for measuring and reporting progress - Supercharge your coaching and feedback sessions with quantitative reporting.
  5. Cost-effective - Sales training can return a significant ROI, particularly when you consider all the expenses that are no longer necessary, such as travel, meals, lodging, venues, and more.  

Invest in Your Sales Reps To Help Them Feel Valued 

Learn more about creating a culture that attracts the highest-potential candidates and nurtures the highest-performing sales reps. Download our How to Help Your Team Feel Highly Valued eBook today.

how to help your team feel highly valued

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